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Cutting Edge Optronics Products

Cutting Edge Optronics is a vertically integrated manufacturer of laser diode bars, laser diode arrays, diode pumped laser modules, laser diode drivers, and complete diode pumped solid state laser systems. CEO can support your DPSS laser development at any level.

CEO Develops Er:YAG Laser Module

Cutting Edge Optronics (CEO) recently built and tested one of their industry standard REA diode- pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser modules with an Er:YAG rod as the gain medium and pumped with in-house-manufactured 97Xnm laser diodes.

Cutting Edge Optronics: 30 Years of Laser Technology Innovation

For 30 years, Cutting Edge Optronics has been at the forefront of laser technology, manufacturing high-performance laser diode arrays and DPSS laser systems for diverse applications, from laser hair removal and solid-state laser pumping to cutting-edge LIDAR systems.

CEO’s High Energy Laser (2J, 10Hz, 532nm) Used in ELI-Beamlines Machine Learning Experiment

The CPL-020-QSG, a 2J, 10Hz, 532nm pump laser, was the first of many high-pulse energy laser systems (HELs) designed and manufactured by Cutting Edge...

Faming Xu, Ph.D. Will Present at ICUIL

Faming Xu, Ph.D. will present a poster entitled “All Diode-pumped 10 Hz 7 Joule Nanosecond Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplifier (OPCPA) Pump Laser” at the 2024 International Conference on Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers (ICUIL) later this year.

A New Age of High Energy Lasers

This paper provides a general overview of Cutting Edge Optronics’ high energy laser design approach and system architecture. It then dives deeper into the...

A New Age of High Energy Lasers This paper provides a general overview of Cutting Edge Optronics’ high energy laser design approach and system architecture. It then dives deeper into the technical details of example high energy... {{catlist}} | March 21, 2024 High-Energy Laser Modules for Medical Applications Cutting Edge Optronics (CEO) has recently experienced an increase in business in the medical laser market due to the capability and reliability of our pulsed laser modules. According to Ryan Feeler,... {{catlist}} | December 5, 2023 Revolutionizing Diamond Cutting with Unparalleled Precision In the captivating world of diamond cutting, precision and finesse reign supreme. The transformation of rough stones into dazzling gemstones requires cutting-edge technology that can bring out the truebrilliance and... {{catlist}} | June 15, 2023 Cutting Edge Optronics Increases Capacity with Automation Cutting Edge Optronics (CEO) leverages automated bonders in its automation center to increase capacity and improve quality across many of its product lines. These bonders are routinely employed to build... {{catlist}} | April 27, 2023 Dual-Channel Driver for High Energy Lasers Cutting Edge Optronics (CEO) has developed the DC2P, a dual-channel laser diode driver that reduces diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser system complexity and cuts required electronics rack space in half. Many... {{catlist}} | January 24, 2023
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