Cutting Edge Optronics (CEO) plans to continue making significant investments in infrastructure in 2020. “Over the past couple of years we have made substantial investments in our facility and equipment set, primarily in the semiconductor laser (SCL) area,” said Ed Stephens, General Manager of CEO. In 2018 and 2019 those investments included new laser diode bar facet coating equipment, laser diode bar (and chip) handling equipment, and a number of automated laser diode soldering stations.

Looking forward to 2020, CEO is planning additional investments across the company, with a continued focus on the SCL area. NGCEO plans to bring in additional automated soldering equipment and upgrade several other portions of the production line. “This is an exciting time to be at CEO,” said Ryan Feeler, Chief Technology Officer. “We continue to increase our production capacity to support our commercial and military/aerospace business segments, while simultaneously increasing reliability and output power.”
According to Scott Mize, CEO’s Chief Operating Officer, “The new equipment set is a welcome addition to our infrastructure. We already have some of the best operators and technicians in the world, and the new equipment makes everybody more productive.”
CEO has been producing laser diode bars and arrays since 1996. The recent and ongoing investments ensure that CEO will maintain its position as a leading manufacturer of these products for years to come.
Approved for Public Release 20-0211
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